Cínthya Verri nasceu em Constantina (RS), em 1980. É blogueira, cantora, artista visual e comunicadora. Por excesso de alternativas, escolheu ser médica.
Ilustrou textos e crônicas para o jornal Zero Hora e para o site Vida Breve. Pinta couros e retratos para envolver com transparência a realidade. Quando o pincel se recusa, Cinthya reparte os vidros. Quer imobilizar amorosamente.
Escritora do livro de poemas "Constantina" e autora do blog Boucheville. Recebeu o prêmio da Biblioteca Nacional por seu romance "Biafra". O texto foi adaptado por ela para o teatro e o monólogo, que estreou em 2015, foi sucesso de público e crítica.
Todas as terças, ao meio-dia, pode ser ouvida conversando com Katia Suman, Renato Mendonça e Fernando Zugno no Talk Radio, programa ao vivo veiculado na Rádio Elétrica e na Unisinos FM.
Mudou-se para um sítio querendo manter viva a própria infância.
Cínthya Verri was born in Constantina (RS) in 1980. She is a blogger, singer, visual artist and communicator. For too many alternatives, she chose to be a doctor.
She illustrated texts and chronicles for the Zero Hora newspaper and Vida Breve. Paints hides and portraits to transparently envelop reality. When her brushes refuses, Cinthya splits the glass. She wants to lovingly immobilize.
Writer of the book of poems "Constantine" and author of the Boucheville blog. She received the National Library award for her novel "Biafra". The text was adapted by her to the theater and the monologue, which debuted in 2015, was a public and critical success.
Every Tuesday, at noon, she can be heard talking to Katia Suman, Renato Mendonça and Fernando Zugno on Talk Radio, a live program broadcast on radioeletrica.com and Unisinos FM.
She moved to a farm wanting to keep her own childhood alive.
Margarita Recibe Margarita
Documentary Filmmaker, Interviewer and Idealizer
May 2018 - May 2019
Finissage Adelitas With Margarita Zapata And Manuela D'Avila
Organizer, Host and Mediator for the debate.
April 2019 - April 2019 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Adelitas At The Memorial Museum Of Rio Grande Do Sul
Visual Artist, Singer, Documentary Filmmaker
March 2019 - May 2019 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Visual Artist and Singer
November 2018 - December 2018 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Baby Doll - Every Woman Can Be A Doll
Visual Artist
October 2017 - November 2017 São Paulo, Brazil
Portrait On Demand
2014 - Present
Painter and Creator of Showroom Layout.
November 2016 - Present Porto Alegre, Brazil
Zero Hora
May 2012 - September 2012 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Vida Breve
June 2010 - August 2012 Brazil
Writer and Graphic Designer
May 2012 - Brazil
Music Production
Song Writer, singer, art director, film making, film editing.
1998 - Present Brazil
Graphic Designer
July 2013 - August 2015 Porto Alegre, Brazil
As Mulheres Que Amavam Gainsbourg
Designer, photographer, actress and song writer
July 2012 - November 2014 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Bodas De Vidro
Director, Writer, Visual Art Creator
2014 - Present Porto Alegre, Brazil
TV Globo
TV Commentator - DRnaTV
May 2012 - August 2012
TV Globo
TV Commentator - Crônica Falada
January 2010 - June 2011 Porto Alegre, Brazil
TV Globo
TV Host
November 2015 - September 2016 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Rádio Gaúcha - Quase Perfeito
Radio Commentator (broadcaster)
January 2012 - August 2012 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Rádio Elétrica - Talk Radio
Radio Commentator
January 2014 - Present Porto Alegre, Brazil
Rádio Elétrica - CVExplica
Radio Show Host
2010 - October 2014 Brazil
2012 - Present Porto Alegre, Brazil
Leather Customizer
Leather Painter
March 2017 - Present
T-shirt designer
October 2008 - June 2013 Brazil
Medical Doctor
(March 1997 - October 2014 Canoas, Brazil) - Present
Funarte - Biblioteca Nacional
Prêmio de Criação Literária - Romance
Actress Broadcaster Mosaicist Painting Photographer Physician Poet Sculpting Singer Song Writer Stage Play Writer